Why Do Some Reach God’s Promised Land For Their Life
While Others Only Seem To Struggle?
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Unlock the Power of Partnership with God to Access His Presence, Purpose, Power, Peace, and Promotion
Get Access to the FREE email Challenge!
Get the FREE 11-Day Email Experience.
Discover the Key That Unlocks Your Unfair Advantage.
Get Equipped with the Non-Negotiable that Every Mighty Man of God has Operating in their Life that Positions you for Promotion.
Choose Being Powerful Over Being Passive
Influence More than You are Influenced
Start Creating More than You are Consuming
Get The Free 11-Day Experience Sent Directly To Your Inbox
Joseph went from prisoner to the most powerful man in Egypt in one day.
Abraham 100X’d his assets during a famine.
David ascended to King after slaying a giant as a shepherd boy.
You know the stories. But what you may not know is the #1 non-negotiable each of these men did that led to their breakthrough.
Hint: It’s hidden in scripture but you gotta dig for it.
Inside this free 11-day experience you’ll discover exactly what positioned these men for PROMOTION, INCREASE, and BREAKTHROUGH!
You’re In The Gap Between Where You Are Now… And Where God Has Promised You To Be, Aren’t You?
How Do You Take Your Land Faster? More Importantly,
How Do You Not Miss It Like So Many Others In Scripture?
Millions of Israelites never got to experience the promised land…
Is it possible that many Kingdom businessmen are missing out on their promised land also?
For many, yes.
I don’t want to be one of them. I know you don’t either.
That’s why I created the 11 Day Unfair Advantage Challenge.
Partnering with Your Unfair Advantage Unlocks Peace, Purpose and Promotion

The Unfair Advantage
Will establish you with UNBREAKABLE confidence to overcome obstacles, resistance and take territory.

The Unfair Advantage
Will give you UNSHAKEABLE peace that transcends your circumstances, empowering you to overcome all resistance.

The Unfair Advantage
Will position you for PROMOTION and propel you into your assigned place of influence.
A Small Number of Elite Kingdom-Driven Men Throughout History Have Accessed Their Unfair Advantage Daily. Those That Do Change Their World and Shape History with God.
…But Most Men Never Access It.
Most Christians are FORGIVEN and FAILING
Why Do Countless Christians Struggle Through Life?
We are supposed to be walking in victory, rising above our circumstances and situations, and living from a higher realm.
But the truth I have experienced and observed is that as a Christian you can be spiritually SAVED but STRUGGLING.
Called to an overcoming life while you are being overcome.
Struggle has become the story.
Are You Constantly Fighting through the GAP between Where You are Called to Be and Where You Find Yourself Today?

GET Out of The GAP
In this FREE email Challenge You Will

Learn How to Partner with Your Unfair Advantage and Finally Step into Your Purpose with Power.
Get Equipped for Battle and Learn:
- How to Live Dangerously The Way God Created You
- How to Live with God as The Source of Your Strength
- How Live from an Empowered Position with an Ascended Mindset
- How to Position Yourself for the Promotion of the Lord
- How to See Your Present Circumstances and Journey
- How to Step into Your Power and Purpose with Clarity and Conviction
The Most Dangerous Man on Earth Knows Who He Is and Is Equipped with the Mindset, Strategy, and Anointing to Execute His Mission.
Why Am I making this FREE?
"I am on a MISSION to help Ambitious Christian men get Vision, Clarity and then RELENTLESSLY EXECUTE that Mission.
Because I believe the world is waiting for you to SHOW UP POWERFULLY!"

How Does This Challenge Work?
It's Simple
- Each day you will get an email. READ IT.
- Some days there will be a video. WATCH IT.
- Some days there will be an exercise. DO IT.
After 11 days you will be equipped with a new understanding of your unfair advantage and how to access a life of power and partnership with God.
You IN or You OUT?

Unlock the Power of Partnership with God to Access His Presence, Purpose, Power, Peace, and Promotion
Get Access to the FREE email Challenge!